
Zodiac Sign Aries Onesie

Zodiac Sign Aries Onesie is a northern constellation between Pisces and Taurus, creating the outline of a ram. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, which is the sun enters on or about March 21.

In a far and ancient nation, a king and queen divorced due to incompatibility. Soon after, the King remarried to another pretty woman. Unfortunately, this new Queen was quite jealous of her step-son and daughter, because the King loved them so much. Day after day, the Queen made up her mind to kill the Prince and Princess.

When spring came, the Queen fried all wheat seeds and distributed them to people. However, this meant the farmers could not harvest and the Queen began spreading rumors that it was because the nation was cursed by the evil thoughts of the Prince and Princess. The simple-minded people believed the Queen and asked the King to kill them. At first he refused, but later gave out the order to kill his own children.

When the former Queen herad the news, she asked Zeus for help. He dispatched a ram with gold fleece to save the two children. The Prince was brave because he was optimistic in nature but the Princess was not careful and fell off the ram. Despite losing one of the children, Zeus rewarded the ram by hanging it in the sky and today it is known as Aries Onesie.
The ancient astronomers divided zodiac into 12 equal segments.  The zodiac is a diagram used by astrologers to represent the positions of the planets and stars. It is divided into twelve sections, each of which has its own name and symbol. The zodiac is used to try to calculate the influence of the planets and  is used in astrology to predict the future, especially on someone's life.
Are you a star sign fan? So if want to know where to buy one of your own zodiac onesie? The best place to get zodiac onesies for adults is from 4kigurumi.com online shop, where the animal onesies are the most complete variety of online shop.
Do you have an adult zodiac onesie party or just keen to chill out on those lazy days on the couch in your animal onesies?


Zodiac Sign Aquarius Onesie

Zodiac Sign Aquarius Onesie is a large southern constellation near the celestial equator. It is the 11th sign of the zodiac, which the sun enters on or around January 21.

The story goes that there was a prince in Troy called Ganymede. He was very handsome and gentle. His handsome appearance was quite rare even among the divine.
The only woman he deeply loved was the cup-bearer for Zeus. She once captured his heart by her sweet singing at night and prevented other girls of getting the attention of the prince.
Helen was the name of this cupbearer. She had the same name as the most beautiful woman in Troy. Zeus was in favor of Helen even though she was just a maid. Once, Helen accidentally heard about Apollo and Athena’s plan to attack Troy. Helen tipped off the plan regardless of the consequences. However, she was caught on the way and taken back to the divine temple. Zeus was hesitant to kill her but decided to seriously punish her. Reminded by his son Apollo, Zeus decided to pass the guilt to Helen and the prince.
On that day, Zeus transformed himself into a hawk flying over the sky of Troy. He quickly focused on Prince Ganymede walking in the garden and was attracted by his handsome appearance. He had seen many beauties but never saw such a good-looking boy. At this moment, an evil thought came into his mind and Zeus flew down to the mountain in the form of a large bird, whisking Ganymede away to the heavens.
Zeus ordered Ganymede to be his cupbearer to replace Helen. However, Zeus’ wife Hera was jealous of Ganymede’s good looks and decided to trick him. One night, Hera let Helen go secretly because she knew that Helen would find Ganymede to elope. As it turned out, they were all captured by Hera. Zeus was angry about their behavior and determined to kill Ganymede. But when the archer Chiron tried to shoot Ganymede, Helen warded off the arrow with her body.
Unable to have things her way, Hera was so angry that she transformed Ganymede as a clear cup to pour water for Zeus forever. This constellation is placed in the sky near other watery constellations including a dolphin (Delphinus), the sea monster (Cetus) and a fish (Pisces).
Since then, the boy has served as cupbearer to the gods. This constellation is placed in the sky near other watery constellations including a dolphin (Delphinus), the sea monster (Cetus) and a fish (Pisces).

The ancient astronomers divided zodiac into 12 equal segments.  The zodiac is a diagram used by astrologers to represent the positions of the planets and stars. It is divided into twelve sections, each of which has its own name and symbol. The zodiac is used to try to calculate the influence of the planets and  is used in astrology to predict the future, especially on someone's life.
Are you a star sign fan? So if want to know where to buy one of your own zodiac onesie? The best place to get zodiac onesies for adults is from 4kigurumi.com online shop, where the animal onesies are the most complete variety of online shop.
Do you have an adult zodiac onesie party or just keen to chill out on those lazy days on the couch in your animal onesies?


Lure: Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Taurus(Zodiac Sign Taurus Onesie) is a northern constellation between Aries and Orion containing Hyades and Pleiades. Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac, which the sun enters on or about April 20.

In ancient Greece, there was no name for the European continent. However, there was a kingdom called Phoenicia with two rich capitals named Tyler and Sidon. King Agenor had a pretty daughter called Europa.
Europa often dreamed that a strange woman said to her, “Let me take you to meet Zeus. You are doomed to be his lover.” At that time, Zeus only had one woman, Hera, but he did not love her much. As a result, he felt depressed everyday. Fortuna Clotho decided to help Zeus find his lover. She knew that the God of Fire had a priceless long skirt. Clotho took this skirt to Zeus and suggested Europa to him. In the beginning, Zeus refused, but he was soon deeply attracted to Europa's beauty when he met her and fell in love with her immediately. Zeus pretended to be a prince from a neighboring country and pretended to send the skirt to Clotho. But Europa did not know he was Zeus and refused because she always thought of the words of the strange woman in her dreams.
One morning, Europa went to the grassland near the beach with her friends as usual. When they picked up flowers and happily wove garlands, a large and strong ox came to them. Europa was soon attracted by this noble and fabulous-looking animal. It looked like delicate and brilliant artwork with a crescent-shaped birthmark on the forehead and golden hair. Its blue eyes were twinkling with ardor. Europa could not resist this feeling and eagerly jumped on the back of the ox while calling out to her friends, but the others were scared. At that moment, the ox flew into the sky. The friends shouted to her and Europa felt lost. Ox or Taurus flew across the beach until they arrived at an island.
Suddenly, Taurus transformed into a handsome man and told her he was master of the island. If Europa promised to marry him, he would protect and love her forever. But she still refused because she remembered the woman's promise.
When the sun rose, Europa was left alone on the island. She shouted at the sun, “Poor Europa, are you really willing to marry the king of monsters? Nemesis, why don't you put Taurus in front of me and let me break its horn?”
All of sudden, the strange woman appeared behind her and said, “My pretty girl, take it easy. The Taurus you cursed just now will send his horn to you. I am Venus and my son Cupid has shot through your heart and Zeus'. It is Zeus that took you here. You become the God of continent and your name will last forever. We will call this place Europa.” She came to realize and believe in Clotho's arrangement. This is the fairytale of Taurus, which symbolizes beauty and love.
The ancient astronomers divided zodiac into 12 equal segments.  The zodiac is a diagram used by astrologers to represent the positions of the planets and stars. It is divided into twelve sections, each of which has its own name and symbol. The zodiac is used to try to calculate the influence of the planets and  is used in astrology to predict the future, especially on someone's life.
Are you a star sign fan? So if want to know where to buy one of your own zodiac onesie? The best place to get zodiac onesies for adults is from 4kigurumi.com online shop, where the animal onesies are the most complete variety of online shop.
Do you have an adult zodiac onesie party or just keen to chill out on those lazy days on the couch in your animal onesies?


Romance: Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Pisces(Zodiac Sign Pisces Onesie) is a constellation south of Andromeda. Pisces is the 12th sign of the zodiac, which the sun enters on or around February 21.

The story of Pisces started from Venus, the Queen of Love. When Venus was young, she fell in love with David — the most handsome man in ancient Rome. But, David was perfect and Venus had a broken arm. Her deformity was nothing but perfection in David’s eyes. Their coupling was the great love in divinity, because the gods gave them a precious gift, their child Cupid.
Cupid was a cute boy with wings and carried a bow and arrow with him at all times. Two people shot by his arrow would fall in love with each other and be happy ever after. However, Cupid himself could not acquire happiness because he never shot himself.
One day, there was a banquet in heaven. Venus took her son Cupid to participate in it. A girl with pretty image but sad eyes attracted Cupid. He wanted to find out why and it turned out this girl was the daughter of the Prophet Solomon. Solomon predicted that this banquet would be a disaster and her daughter named Bloodstone was to be the sacrifice. After hearing that, Cupid was very sad and fell in love with her unconsciously.
Suddenly, a monster appeared and destroyed the banquet. This monster was hostile to all the gods but there was no way to escape. But Bloodstone said, “We must kill this monster.” Forgetting her father’s prediction, Bloodstone was brave enough to rush at the monster. Cupid was so worried about Bloodstone’s safety that he accidentally shot the monster and Bloodstone at the same time. Meanwhile, Venus found her son and they jumped into the river. They escaped by becoming two fish. Venus held onto Cupid tightly. Looking back with tears, Cupid was heart-broken to see they were disappearing in the universe.
For thousands of years, this faint zodiacal constellation has been seen either as one or two fish. Pisces lies between Aries and Aquarius in the northern skies.
The ancient astronomers divided zodiac into 12 equal segments.  The zodiac is a diagram used by astrologers to represent the positions of the planets and stars. It is divided into twelve sections, each of which has its own name and symbol. The zodiac is used to try to calculate the influence of the planets and  is used in astrology to predict the future, especially on someone's life.
Are you a star sign fan? So if want to know where to buy one of your own zodiac onesie? The best place to get zodiac onesies for adults is from 4kigurumi.com online shop, where the animal onesies are the most complete variety of online shop.
Do you have an adult zodiac onesie party or just keen to chill out on those lazy days on the couch in your animal onesies?


Kindness: Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Sagittarius(Zodiac Sign Sagittarius Onesie) is a large southern constellation in the brightest part of the Milky Way, beyond which lies the center of our galaxy. Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the zodiac, which the sun enters on or around November 23.
In ancient Greece, a group of creatures who are half-human and half-monster lived in the grassland. They were fierce and barbarous, but Chiron was an exception. He was kind, sincere and respectable. One day, Hercules came to visit his friend Chiron, because he heard that the wine there had special aroma and wanted to try some. After drinking the wine of Chiron, Hercules insisted on drinking the rest of it. Chiron told him that the wine should be shared and not only drunk by Hercules. However, Hercules was angry and started fighting with the creatures.
In spite of having strong powers, the group of creatures could not defeat Hercules. They had to escape to the home of Chiron. Hercules shouted from outside that if no one came out, he would destroy the whole group. In order to save the group and stop the war, Chiron came out. At that moment, Hercules shot his arrow and it went through Chiron’s heart. Hercules was so grieved by this and regretted what he did. Just before he died, Chiron said, “The soft heart can stop the arrow no matter how sharp it is; the monster will not lose its conscience no matter how crazy it is.”
When he died, Chiron ascended into the sky and became Sagittarius.
The ancient astronomers divided zodiac into 12 equal segments.  The zodiac is a diagram used by astrologers to represent the positions of the planets and stars. It is divided into twelve sections, each of which has its own name and symbol. The zodiac is used to try to calculate the influence of the planets and  is used in astrology to predict the future, especially on someone's life.
Are you a star sign fan? So if want to know where to buy one of your own zodiac onesie? The best place to get zodiac onesies for adults is from 4kigurumi.com online shop, where the animal onesies are the most complete variety of online shop.
Do you have an adult zodiac onesie party or just keen to chill out on those lazy days on the couch in your animal onesies?


Winter: Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Virgo(Zodiac Sign Virgo Onesie) is a large equatorial constellation between Leo and Libra, in which the brightest member is the first-magnitude star Spica. Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac, which the sun enters on or about August 22.

Posefen was a goddess. She was the only daughter of the Greek Goddess of harvest Demeter. Wherever Posefen went, the places would be full of flowers.
One day, when Posefen played with her friends in the valley, she found a silver narcissus flower. She liked it and picked it up. Suddenly, the narcissus became a handsome man with purple eyes. Posefen was scared and took a step back. The man smiled and said, “Goddess, you broke the curse and saved me. Please let me fulfill my promise and marry me.” Before she understood what happened, Posefen was thrown into a rift in the ground.
After hearing her daughter’s cries for help, Demeter threw corn away and saved her daughter. However, without the Goddess of harvest, seeds did not grow and human beings would confront a great disaster. Zeus quickly got the news and knew it was Pluto that took Posefen away. Pluto could not win Zeus but he really loved Posefen. He knew he would be cursed and told Posefen, “My fragrance should belong to the world. Take it away.” Then he closed eyes.
When Posefen returned back to the world, it was spring. She scattered the fragrance around the world and brought sunshine to everyone, but she could not forget Pluto, especially his purple eyes. In summer, she missed him, and in autumn, she missed him. When winter came, she could not help meeting Pluto under the ground. At this moment, Pluto would wake up to see her and then sleep when she left.
Year after year, this pretty girl fell in love with this ghost in the hell. Zeus was moved by their love and gave them a quarter of the time each year to be together. Zeus decided to call one of the constellations Virgo to remember Posefen.
The ancient astronomers divided zodiac into 12 equal segments.  The zodiac is a diagram used by astrologers to represent the positions of the planets and stars. It is divided into twelve sections, each of which has its own name and symbol. The zodiac is used to try to calculate the influence of the planets and  is used in astrology to predict the future, especially on someone's life.
Are you a star sign fan? So if want to know where to buy one of your own zodiac onesie? The best place to get zodiac onesies for adults is from 4kigurumi.com online shop, where the animal onesies are the most complete variety of online shop.
Do you have an adult zodiac onesie party or just keen to chill out on those lazy days on the couch in your animal onesies?


Story: Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Cancer(Zodiac Sign Cancer Onesie) is a northern constellation between Gemini and Leo that outlines a crab. Cancer is the fourth sign of the zodiac, which the sun enters on or about June 22.
A long time ago, when Hercules fought the monster Hydra, a huge crab bit Hercules' feet but was finally defeated. The crab fell onto an island in the Aegean Sea. Because the crab did not finish the task given by Hera, the Queen of Athens was affected by the curse. As a result, when the princess of Athens Meriot was born, a prophet foretold that the day the princess got married was the day the Queen would die. Therefore, the Queen made sure the princess did not marry. When Meriot was 20 years old, a prince named Sa came to Athens. He admired Meriot's beauty and wanted to marry her. And when Meriot saw Sa, she fell into love at first sight. But the curse was still valid and she could not pursue her own happiness by sacrificing her mother's life. Meriot tried her best to control her emotions by arranging nine impossible missions for him to complete. Only by finishing these tasks could he marry her. However, Sa managed to complete them eventually, putting the princess in a great dilemma. Eventually her mother agreed to their marriage for the happiness of her daughter. On their nuptial day, the Queen did not go to the ceremony, as she did not want anything terrible to happen. The Queen went to the beach and jumped into the Aegean Sea. When the Queen drowned, a huge crab appeared in the sea and embraced her as if a shell of protection. When Hera found out about her mother's death, she was full of regret and transformed the crab into a constellation in the sky called Cancer.
The ancient astronomers divided zodiac into 12 equal segments.  The zodiac is a diagram used by astrologers to represent the positions of the planets and stars. It is divided into twelve sections, each of which has its own name and symbol. The zodiac is used to try to calculate the influence of the planets and  is used in astrology to predict the future, especially on someone's life.
Are you a star sign fan? So if want to know where to buy one of your own zodiac onesie? The best place to get zodiac onesies for adults is from 4kigurumi.com online shop, where the animal onesies are the most complete variety of online shop.
Do you have an adult zodiac onesie party or just keen to chill out on those lazy days on the couch in your animal onesies?

Wish: Libra (September 23-October 22)

Libra(Zodiac Sign Libra Onesie) is a southern constellation between Virgo and Scorpio. Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac, which the sun enters during the autumnal equinox on or about September 23.
The Goddess of Justice was the daughter of Zeus, while Poseidon was the younger brother of Zeus. In ancient times, human beings and gods coexisted in the world and were happy and harmonious. However, the Goddess of Justice and Poseidon admired and respected each other. The Goddess of Justice was persistent and enthusiastic, whereas Poseidon was complex and cold-blooded. Zeus had numerous wives and children but he only had one brother, who was created by his and Hera’s tears. Thus, Poseidon was loved by everyone in the heaven, but the Goddess of Justice was independent.
Human beings were clever. They learned to construct buildings and pave roads. But they also created conflicts amongst themselves. Wars and crimes erupted everywhere and many gods returned back to heaven. Only the Goddess of Justice and Poseidon remained with humans.
The Goddess of Justice did not lose the confidence towards human beings but believed someday they would be conscious of what they had done. But Poseidon felt disappointed and persuaded her to return to heaven. The Goddess refused and they quarreled for the first time. The Goddess despised him only as salt water creature, but Poseidon released the scandal of Zeus, that the Goddess was Zeus’ illegitimate daughter. She felt to be humiliated and found Zeus to have it out.
Hera suggested a competition. Whoever made mankind peaceful first should apologize to the other. Hera liked Poseidon and envied the mother of the Goddess. She knew water was the source of life and could make people peaceful again.
The arena was a square in heaven. When Poseidon distributed clear water, people felt comfortable and at ease with it. At this moment, the Goddess became a tree with red trunk, green leaves and golden olives. Everyone felt its peace and love. Poseidon smiled at Goddess and knew she had won.
Poseidon and the Goddess restored their relationship. To commemorate the result, Zeus threw a balance on the sky and called it Libra.
The ancient astronomers divided zodiac into 12 equal segments.  The zodiac is a diagram used by astrologers to represent the positions of the planets and stars. It is divided into twelve sections, each of which has its own name and symbol. The zodiac is used to try to calculate the influence of the planets and  is used in astrology to predict the future, especially on someone's life.
Are you a star sign fan? So if want to know where to buy one of your own zodiac onesie? The best place to get zodiac onesies for adults is from 4kigurumi.com online shop, where the animal onesies are the most complete variety of online shop.
Do you have an adult zodiac onesie party or just keen to chill out on those lazy days on the couch in your animal onesies?


Bravery: Leo (July 23-August 22)

Leo(Zodiac Sign Leo Onesie) is a northern constellation between Cancer and Virgo, containing the star Regulus. Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac, which the sun enters on or about July 22.

Nemean was the son of giant Typhon and monster of a snake. When people and monsters loved each other, Nemean would fall from Moon, which was a gift to them. Nemean was half-human, half-monster. In the daytime, he was a fierce lion with golden fur, and by night he was a young boy with golden hair and blue eyes.
The sister of Nemean was Hydra who was also a monster of a snake with nine heads. Her upper body was like girl, pretty and charming, but the other half of her body was like a snake. Nemean loved Hydra since he was a child. Although they had same parents, Nemean fell from heaven while Hydra was born from their mother. Unfortunately, the hero Hercules accepted 10 tasks from the King, including killing Nemean and Hydra. Nemean refused to fight with Hercules but to protect his beloved, Nemean decided to beat Hercules. Nemean comforted Hydra saying, “Nobody can kill me except you.” Hydra deeply loved Nemean and decided to fight Hercules herself even if it meant they had to die together. Although she transformed into a snake with nine heads, she could not kill Hercules and he finally defeated her. After that, Hercules dipped his arrows in her blood. That night, Nemean found out what Hercules did and he became a fierce male lion. He rushed at Hercules. Hercules pulled out his arrow but the fur of lion seemed to resist any weapons.
Suddenly, Hercules remembered the arrows dipped with Hydra's blood. He shot them at Nemean immediately. Nemean escaped from first two arrows but was shot by the third one. The arrow with Hydra's blood shot through Nemean's heart. He transformed into the young man and fell on the ground and died. Zeus allowed Nemean to return back to heaven and transform him into Leo in the sky.
The ancient astronomers divided zodiac into 12 equal segments.  The zodiac is a diagram used by astrologers to represent the positions of the planets and stars. It is divided into twelve sections, each of which has its own name and symbol. The zodiac is used to try to calculate the influence of the planets and  is used in astrology to predict the future, especially on someone's life.
Are you a star sign fan? So if want to know where to buy one of your own zodiac onesie? The best place to get zodiac onesies for adults is from 4kigurumi.com online shop, where the animal onesies are the most complete variety of online shop.
Do you have an adult zodiac onesie party or just keen to chill out on those lazy days on the couch in your animal onesies?


Resignation: Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Scorpio(Zodiac Sign Scorpio Onesie) is a southern constellation north of Ophiuchus, containing Ophiuchus. Scorpio is the eighth sign of the zodiac, which the sun enters on or around October 24.

The palace of Apollo was grand and magnificent, supported by giant columns with gold and ivory and studded with jewels. The son of Apollo Phaethon and daughter Hayley lived here. Phaethon was born to be handsome and sexy but a bit impetuous and arrogant, while Hayley was tender and nice but did not have a beautiful face, which made her sad because she deeply loved Phaethon. The beautiful Naiades loved Phaethon too.

Year by year, Hayley was depressed and sensitive because Phaethon did not understand her and fell in love with Naiades. Whenever Hayley expressed her affection to him, he always refused her with the excuse of having the same father. Hayley could not bear his indifference and made up a lie. One day, she found Phaethon and told him, “Dear brother, I cannot conceal a secret anymore. Although she is our mother, I must tell you that you are not the son in heaven but the son of our mother and an ordinary person.” He believed this honest sister and asked their father. No matter how much Apollo assured him, Phaethon could not believe it. Finally, Apollo promised to give him anything for proving his true identity. Unexpectedly, he chose to ride his father’s sun chariot. He was never trained to ride it, so if he did not follow the right line, he could create a disaster for human beings.

However, Phaeton rode the chariot without hesitation and, as expected, he could not control it. As a result, the grassland dried up and the forest was set on fire. The lakes became deserts. Hayley could not forsee such a disaster and admitted it was her fault, but it was too late. She had to let her scorpion out to bite his ankles and it was too late to save him. The burning Phaethon and the chariot fell into the Eridanus. Naiades buried him with tears. For his death, Hayley cried for four months and became a poplar tree. Her tears became the sap of the tree.

Zeus gave a name to this scorpion, that is, Scorpio as constellation to warn people not to be arrogant.

The ancient astronomers divided zodiac into 12 equal segments.  The zodiac is a diagram used by astrologers to represent the positions of the planets and stars. It is divided into twelve sections, each of which has its own name and symbol. The zodiac is used to try to calculate the influence of the planets and  is used in astrology to predict the future, especially on someone's life.
Are you a star sign fan? So if want to know where to buy one of your own zodiac onesie? The best place to get zodiac onesies for adults is from 4kigurumi.com online shop, where the animal onesies are the most complete variety of online shop.
Do you have an adult zodiac onesie party or just keen to chill out on those lazy days on the couch in your animal costumes?


Have A Disney Halloween kigurumi

Sia i bambini che gli adulti si divertono a vedere i personaggi Disney film, i personaggi, come si cresce, ci porta felicità, di nuovo fiducia in se stessi e mentale ed evoca ricordi meravigliosi dell'infanzia per noi. Disney fa Halloween Halloween e lo fanno bene, anche se generalmente in un modo amichevole in famiglia. Se sei un grande fan di Disney e si ama Halloween, le probabilità sono che si desidera andare in uno dei parchi a tema Disney per Halloween. La mia risposta è: sì. Tuttavia, se come me non siete in grado di farlo, come si potrebbe mettere un po 'di magia Disney nelle vostre celebrazioni di Halloween in ogni caso. In questa pagina vi presentiamo la Disney animal onesie in pigiama caratteri. La Disney tutina sono probabilmente i pigiami più caldi intorno e hanno ciascuno un individuo character.The Disney tutina ragazzi sono molto carino, non importa pigiama partito o di Halloween, lasciate siete tutti il ruolo di primo piano.
Stitch Kigurumi Onesie:http://www.4kigurumi.com/animal-adult-onesie-stitch-kigurumi-pajamas


Onesies animali

Di già? Halloween è dietro l'angolo. Halloween è sempre stata ed è ancora una notte di mistero.
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Creazione di un costume di Halloween unico o strano mostra originalità e creatività. Idee costume strani e unici si possono trovare anche sul 4kigrurmi.com. Fanatici di Halloween vi diranno-Animal Onesies non è solo pigiama di animali, ma di un fenomeno di Halloween.

Pokemon Charmander Kigurumi Tutina: http://www.4kigurumi.com/kigurumi-pajamas

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